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Payment methods, Buy now pay later options, Payment enquiries

Which payment types do you accept

We accept Amex, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Mastercard, Paypal, Visa, Workwearhub eGiftcards and Buy now pay later options such as Afterpay and Zip.

Do you offer Buy Now Pay Later

Yes, we offer Afterpay and Zip. Please select your option at checkout.

Is it safe to use my credit card on your site

We strive to ensure that every credit card transaction occurs within a secure environment. Credit card numbers are not stored in our systems in accordance with the highest of PCI-DSS standards. When purchasing from WorkwearHub your financial details

Why are my credit card details not being accepted

Please check all details you have entered are correct, if they are and they are still being declined check with your bank or financial institution to rule out errors on their behalf. If problems continue, please contact our Customer Service Team on 1

I am unsure if my payment or order was successful

All successful orders and transactions will receive a confirmation email to the nominated email address after purchase. We also recommend checking with your payment provider to see if funds have been deducted from your account. If you have not receiv